Leaving Thailand tomorrow! I travelled back to Bangkok and it took 12 hours 😟🀯 there was many delays and so much waiting. I took the long way back (wrong decision ) ! Finally we arrived and my energy and patience had completely run out. Orlando was moaning and complaining the whole journey (which I understand) but it was hard and frustrating . I had the biggest mummy meltdown when we reached Bangkok πŸ™„ I could not contain it any longer. I cried for about 30 minutes pretty hysterically. Good news is I feel lighter after it. I think it’s important to just let emotions out to to clear whatever is there…. I have another huge travel back to London tomorrow so please wish me luck πŸ˜… After London I will see some friends and then go to Scotland to see the family. I look forward to being at my Mums house (and not being the only Mum ) 🫣πŸ₯° Sending love and flexy wishes to you all ! Xxx