September 01, 2024

Marie will be sharing her top 7 classes this week!😍

Marie has been an Align member since 2022-05-25  here are some words from her.

' Never been a bendy queen in my whole life (turning 42 years now in September) I could do a simple bridge as a kid but nothing else, always struggled with stiff hamstrings even as a kid. Always dreamed about doing the splits and as a 38 year old I finally managed after using the right technique for my body muscles and tendons. That new awareness of that I could actually do the splits made me found Align since I wanted to maintain my new flexibility skill and also as a pole dancer and found Felicity more than amazing which both her pole and flexibility ability. Shortly after I joined Align I was in an accident where my knee got injured but align helped me maintain strengthen and advanced my muscles and flexibility during the healing process. I did a surprisingly comeback and got back at poledancing and became more bendier than ever, I even won 3rd place in a competition using skills and techniques I learned from alignwithfelicity in the performance. I love Align ...its a lifestyle! You get yoga meditation stretching and poledance in one app. And I love the community everyone’s so sweet sharing their struggles but also everyone’s success. It’s an honour to be representing “class-of-the-day” for a week xoxo'