Well done to you all for attempting the pole assisted forearm stand ! It’s not easy… there is so much to think about in the position and it requires quite alot of bravery especially if you havnt trained forearm stands so much so please say WELL DONE to yourself for your efforts and please allow yourself NOT to be perfect 🤩 ! It would not be challenging if it came easily and the little bits of balance would not be as satisfying 💕I trained forearm stands for years over and over until I could finally found balance on all surfaces with no fear. In one of my first ever competitions I put one in and really thought it was going to be solid and I fell out of it on stage . I was heartbroken but it made me try even harder…. Learning and growing and trying is the key not looking for something quick, shiny and perfect 🔑 💪🏼 🌱 Look forward to teaching you guys the next part on Thursday 💕