Muriel Leiser

Basel, Switzerland

Mar 24 at 07:16 PM

I loved this class so much 😻 Gonna do these exercises regularly for sure πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘―

Friday the 29. of march is the last live session for this challenge right? Are you going to do a new challenge with live sessions in April?Really enjoying it, also with having the option to do the live session outdoors πŸ˜πŸ’—

If we do a straddle with knees up is it better to come down to the floor with the hips even though they are falling back or should we stay more in the air and keep hips aligned with the feet?

Mar 12 at 06:00 PM

Really enjoyed this class after a day at the desk.Thanks

Are we supposed to do a warm up in front of those classes or do you include one? I'm unsure about that, sorry πŸ˜