Hello Lovely Ladies!
Let me introduce myself. I'm Sofia, (@sofiaexoticflow) from Hungary, live in Budapest.💄 I started poledance in 2014 dec. However I started to teach it in 2017 very soon I recognised Exotic is my way, especially Flow style. 🌊Poledance is a lifestyle for me since my very first step. It has teached me so many things, for example
✨️persistence and
✨️relationship with my body.
I already had flat frontsplits and a bendy back when I met Felicity accidentally, but I joined to Align in 2023 spring and from that moment on I take Align with me everywhere!💫 I have discovered new abilities of my body. I've been working on my self-help for so long and to be honest, meditation is not my style. But I looove this short meditations, the Holistic split challange is one of my favourites ever! I'm so grateful for Felicity and for Align for showing me a path to discover and focus invert on different way as i tried it before!🪷
Also it's always a pleasure to see you in person hope to train again soon! Until than keep amazing work!💖
Oct 04 at 05:29 PM

Sep 20 at 08:18 PM

Slowly slowly coming back to you. Meanwhile adopting changes, Sofia Land is also getting even more bright than ever!🤭💖🐈⬛🎀
Sep 11 at 01:34 PM
Hello dears <3 I kindly would ask if we already know the date for next Accountability Meeeting? 💞
Jul 28 at 11:05 AM
Hellooo! <3 I wanted to join you today's Accountability meeting but there has been so many things around this weekend. So I need to spend some time with me before i go to my family today. But all good,🙏 I'm fine and finally can train a little bit! And can't wait to share all. I just must adopt "the changing" that has started 🥰 Have a nice session! <3
May 06 at 10:07 PM

And I finished Holistic Split challange today 💜 this class was my absolute favourite, day 10. The other fav is day 11 and 12.😄 However i liked others as well. ☝️Meditations are amazing! The last, Morning meditation has helped me a lot to handle so many situations of the day. Thank you Felicity for creating this challange 🙏❤️
May 06 at 10:00 PM

Today's practice🤗 i haven't had that much power today, i also felt a bit ill. But before the end of our short vacation i asked Mum to train once more. In the end I was about to try if i can scorpion but i'm still scared. And decided to fall 😅 but the day will come☺️🩷
May 04 at 02:26 PM

Hello Guys!
Let me share what I celebrate today: no matter what, we go on! Working on fears...
As i mentioned on our last meeting my Mum super scared of my trainings. Even if she is just watching. Although she is my biggest support always and ever! I know very well how much she is terrified of handstands and any acrobatic stuff. So today I've asked her for helping and work together on our fears. She understood that her fear can block me as well. I don't lie if i say this training was in my top5 trainings in my whole life! So magical. First times i fell, she was crying :D Than with her assistance i was able to switch off my automatic reflex to fall and in the end i entered by myself. She just put her hands but didn't touch. Than I asked to hold my hip to try to bend the leg. And also in the end she cried just a little bit and both of us reliefed so much <3
Thank you Felicity for giving homework as well and for the chance to work on skills everywhere even without pole! Try to attach video, if i can not, here are some pics.
May 02 at 02:41 PM

Hello all!
I'm happy to be the first abd share experiences🤭 those of you who participated in last Accountability meeting, you already know i'm not just scared from handstands but dread. I'm really terrified...
But after some falling doen and maybe hundred of handwashing i completed (i don't joke i was my hands more times than when i do tricks. My hands are sweating so much because of scare...)
So in the end i got the Stag. Scorpio i didn't plan to do for first. However it almost happened but just because i can not control because of scare 😅
Felicity could you check on the position of my shoulder on the pole? I just noticed on the recording it's getting to the front of the pole. I tried to keep it after i saw but there has not been more power for today.
Somewhy I csn not attach video but try with a videocapture.
Mar 15 at 06:24 PM

I've been using Align almost 1 year. Yes, i was already flexible enough when i started. But i discovered new skills of my body, i experienced a lot and not only learnt new shapes but i've built also new connection with my Body! Thank you Felicity 🩷
Mar 09 at 11:51 AM

Helloo All!
A lil' motivation for those whose aim to go to gym! I really love going there, train with weights, out of my general trainings.. and of course i always get very inspired. There are sooo many possibilities for a poledancer 😜🤭 even if you don't feel comfortable for first.. you can adopt! Just don't forget to BE YOURSELF! 🥰
Have a nice weekend!