

Oct 04 at 05:29 PM

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Hello Lovely Ladies!
Let me introduce myself. I'm Sofia, (@sofiaexoticflow) from Hungary, live in Budapest.💄 I started poledance in 2014 dec. However I started to teach it in 2017 very soon I recognised Exotic is my way, especially Flow style. 🌊Poledance is a lifestyle for me since my very first step. It has teached me so many things, for example
✨️persistence and
✨️relationship with my body.
I already had flat frontsplits and a bendy back when I met Felicity accidentally, but I joined to Align in 2023 spring and from that moment on I take Align with me everywhere!💫 I have discovered new abilities of my body. I've been working on my self-help for so long and to be honest, meditation is not my style. But I looove this short meditations, the Holistic split challange is one of my favourites ever! I'm so grateful for Felicity and for Align for showing me a path to discover and focus invert on different way as i tried it before!🪷
Also it's always a pleasure to see you in person hope to train again soon! Until than keep amazing work!💖


Sep 21 at 08:04 AM

I miss you too🥰🤗


Sep 20 at 08:18 PM

Slowly slowly coming back to you. Meanwhile adopting changes, Sofia Land is also getting even more bright than ever!🤭💖🐈‍⬛🎀


Sep 20 at 08:15 PM

Thank youu! I didn't remember where to find. I'm gonna be on vacation with my mom. But hopefully i come🤗💖

Sep 11 at 09:07 PM

Thank you Rachel!🥰



Sep 11 at 01:34 PM

Hello dears <3  I kindly would ask if we already know the date for next Accountability Meeeting? 💞



Jul 28 at 11:05 AM

Hellooo! <3 I wanted to join you today's Accountability meeting but there has been so many things around this weekend. So I need to spend some time with me before i go to my family today. But all good,🙏 I'm fine and finally can train a little bit! And can't wait to share all. I just must adopt "the changing" that has started 🥰 Have a nice session! <3

May 28 at 12:52 PM

Is it Jairo?🤔😄

May 27 at 05:44 PM

Ooh, that's soo soo cool! I didn't know about this flight issue, i'm so happy universe sent you London option🤗🩷 Btw, how long was the performance?

Other: i love your nails on this video🤭 😘

May 27 at 03:55 PM

Very nice 🩷