
May 05 at 06:26 PM

So cooool! You got it😍🙌

May 05 at 06:24 PM

Thank you sooo much🤗🩷

May 05 at 06:23 PM

Yes, please try ✨️🤗 and thank you🩷



May 04 at 02:26 PM

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Hello Guys!

Let me share what I celebrate today: no matter what, we go on! Working on fears...
As i mentioned on our last meeting my Mum super scared of my trainings. Even if she is just watching. Although she is my biggest support always and ever! I know very well how much she is terrified of handstands and any acrobatic stuff. So today I've asked her for helping and work together on our fears. She understood that her fear can block me as well. I don't lie if i say this training was in my top5 trainings in my whole life! So magical. First times i fell, she was crying :D Than with her assistance i was able to switch off my automatic reflex to fall and in the end i entered by myself. She just put her hands but didn't touch. Than I asked to hold my hip to try to bend the leg. And also in the end she cried just a little bit and both of us reliefed so much <3

Thank you Felicity for giving homework as well and for the chance to work on skills everywhere even without pole! Try to attach video, if i can not, here are some pics.


May 03 at 07:34 AM

Thank youu! Yes, try and share😍😘

May 02 at 02:47 PM

Honestly i can not balancd so well😄 and i just figured out maybe that's why. But okay will keep practicing 🥰 thank youu❤️💋


May 02 at 02:41 PM

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Hello all!
I'm happy to be the first abd share experiences🤭 those of you who participated in last Accountability meeting, you already know i'm not just scared from handstands but dread. I'm really terrified...
But after some falling doen and maybe hundred of handwashing i completed (i don't joke i was my hands more times than when i do tricks. My hands are sweating so much because of scare...)
So in the end i got the Stag. Scorpio i didn't plan to do for first. However it almost happened but just because i can not control because of scare 😅
Felicity could you check on the position of my shoulder on the pole? I just noticed on the recording it's getting to the front of the pole. I tried to keep it after i saw but there has not been more power for today.
Somewhy I csn not attach video but try with a videocapture.


May 01 at 08:27 AM

Date saved✌️💜

Apr 29 at 05:44 PM

Hahha. That's for me. Handstand but at least with pole😄 and bendy triiicks😍🙏💜 looking forward to participate🤗

Mar 19 at 07:24 AM

Exactly i found it in the best moment when it was needed.. thank you🥹💜